Field Work Through Dance

by Viktoria Kshevinskaya, March 2023

I do not go out often, but sometimes I do.

I love dancing. I activate people through my dance.

Don’t take me wrong, it is not about how much responsibility I take on myself, rather it is all about the intention.

When I see that I can, I ask permission, I connect with the highest and purest frequencies and I command the dragons to do the work.

I ask them first to clean people. Disconnect, dismantle and remove everything that is not supposed to be there.

I reconnect them to their hearts, and boost their confidence.

And boom suddenly more and more people go wild on a dance floor. It is an awesome feeling.

My job is unseen, but so valuable.


Sometimes I share my stories with my partner, but he laughs not knowing if it is all for real or not.

A couple of months ago there was a story that I saw a couple of girls in the bar, then two men started approaching them. I saw an entity on the girl’s sacred, I know that this entity (looks like chihuahua, very pathetic) is sucking her energy from sacred, meaning she manipulates the girl so that she goes into “meaningless connections” and then suffer.

The girl probably really wants to be coupled, to be in the relationship, to find the one, to build a family and so on and so forth. But instead, she gets attracted to one disappointment after another one just to drain her energy on the heartbreaks, to contribute to the global chaos through absolute lack on emotional intelligence and ability to choose.

I saw one of those men starting to flirt with her, already coming closer to her more and more.

I asked permission, asked her Highest Self if she wants me to help her. Of course she really wanted that. I removed the entity, reconnected her back to her heart and reconnected her with her highest self, for her to be able to see the world clearly and act through her heart.

When our energy is in the sacred only, we might experience this lust or desire. It was created this way intentionally to manipulate us. Porn is doing it very well for people to be disconnected from the hearts.

And then suddenly you might feel a lot of fire with someone, but that means nothing, that’s not leading you to a lasting relationship or to a happy family which might be your goal.

In the existing relationship entities on the sacred also make you ride on the emotional swing. Most of us grew up in the judgmental environment, not knowing a better way.

But the only way out of that is to connect to the heart. Is to be here and now, and to learn that you have to take responsibility for your emotional intelligence.

And it doesn’t make you numb, it just gives you opportunity to see the world as it is. To make the choice for the highest good of all.

I have never spoken to that girl I mentioned above. As soon as I reconnected her with her heart, she removed the hand of that man wandering around her shoulders and decided not to entertain that connection just for the sake of temporary pleasure. Soon after that she left.

I told this story to my partner - look what happened. He saw all of it and was amused. But what is so bad in these temporary meaningless connections, connections just for fun, for pleasure? Why is it so bad?

It is not about good or bad, it is about the intentions. What you truly want? If you want a family, a stable relationship or proper meaningful connection, you do not entertain the entities.

Reach out for a 1-on-1 to claim your voice and power back.

Eternal blessings

Viktoria Kshevinskaya
Founder of BE School Space

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