What is Homeschooling?

by Viktoria Kshevinskaya, May 2022

We started traveling when my daughter was 2,5 and for sure when the time came to get her connected with some schooling system, there was no possible way we would choose anything traditional, I will explain why.

When I was a child I loved my school, but it always came to the point that you can or cannot do something because you have to be in school. So the first step was freedom, we wanted to be able to move around.

At some point we ended up in Bali and really stopped traveling much, but we were still homeschooling, and more over we started inviting other kids over, as it is more fun when there are many kids.

This is how my Small Stars homeschool program started: I was constantly searching for fun activities for my kids and I wanted it to be useful, creative and still with a loving touch of laughter and joy, so that kids were enjoying it rather than feeling imprisoned.

More and more kids were attracted to my field, it was fun, but it was all offline.

Kids were growing and had to start getting ready for the Big First Grade, this is how Smart Enough to be a Student was birthed and as me and my daughter were traveling, we managed to move all the classes online.

At that point I had several “difficult” kids, those who, just like everyone, needed lots of love and a bit more patience from me.

That was a turning point when I realized that yes, although I have some curriculum understanding inside of me, I value creativity and joy much more than a “box” and “have to”. It was the time when I created KIDS LED CLASS TECHNOLOGY- it is a way of teaching, where you do not really need a big plan, where you allow kids freedom, where a child can share that he is passionate about something and you start exploring it together.

First it felt really chaotic, as I still had part of programming inside of me: what if they need to take a test, what if they go to a different class, what if parents are not happy.

But then slowly slowly I was becoming more and more confident, growing on my personal  spiritual path and came into understanding that I share much more with my kids than just knowledge. I am actually creating a fertile ground for them to be real, for them to be sincere and authentic, for them to be accepted for who they truly are.   And it was a profound click.

I saw how difficult  it was for some kids to love themselves and their changing bodies, how difficult it was for kids to step away from social opinions and express themselves fully, how many limiting beliefs some kids had due to society programming and how unconfident some were because they felt alienated.

I realized that actually kids can be exposed to basic spiritual things around self-expression, laws of karma, giving and receiving, divine purpose and divine abundance at the early age.

Of course, those things can be taught in a family, if the family they came from adapted them early enough, although some families are different. Also some kids are “kids from the future” and they need a special type of environment where they are understood and can bloom.

This is how we started creating programs for kids and teens exploring different research topics, going deeper and deeper if the divine sparkle of curiosity allows us. And when I say “we” I mean me and my kids. Every group is different and every child has different interests, I offer them the opportunity and support for their own research, with a loving touch of a librarian who can help kids dig deep. But the beautiful part of this work is that kids and teens not only learn something for the tests, we do not do that at all, they learn how to follow their passion and how to use that in life while creating products, services and real offerings they can be helpful to the world with.

I do not refuse the necessity of having basic knowledge, but I see communication, deep listening, emotional intelligence, resilience, problem solving, dealing with self-love, burnouts and relationships of different sorts as also very important skills to be learnt at early age.

Just imagine how different our world would be if everyone was emotionally mature and was doing what he loves while having an abundance mindset, knowing everything will come to his life effortlessly when he is full-hearted in his project having loving kindness as a guiding star.

It is up to you what to choose, but I choose LOVE.

Viktoria Kshevinskaya
Founder of BE School Space


Please note the programs are currently being updated, please contact me to inquire more information.

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