Personal Energy Healing


Emotional purification, entities removal, reset, realignment, reconnection to your true self and your values, reconnection to the Divine / God / Source / Prime Creator / pure LOVE

Hello! I am Viktoria Suardi, Founder of BE School Space
I am here to support you in your divine energy embodiment process, to hold space for your transformation and to help you anchor the highest and purest frequencies available for you and your self-expression.

Healing Transmission
Duration: ~30 min

I attune to your energy field and run the healing remotely as a remote healing ceremony to accommodate your needs. You can listen to the audio recording as many times as needed.

Oftentimes old grudges are popping up here and there and do not allow us to see the world clearly as it is.

It is the purification but also the activation where you attune to a different frequency - the Highest and Purest Frequencies of Pure LOVE.

Common requests:

  • feeling stuck

  • can’t forget your ex

  • feel some blockages

  • having compulsive thoughts and eating disorders

  • do not feel your gifts

  • cannot move forward

  • unusual sickness / lack of energy

  • feeling some beings’ presence / entities

  • feeling emotional

  • feeling attacked

  • blockages

💶 Energy exchange: €77

Note: After you receive the healing, your frequency will be instantly recalibrated. Make sure that you stay in your heart and in your bubble to maintain your condition for a long-lasting effect.

1-on-1 Healing or Mentorship Session
Duration: ~ 1-1,5h

This is in person or online session, where we clean, recalibrate, realign and reactivate everything that is topical for this particular moment. You can choose one healing event or it can be a part of your Mentorship Program.

I attune to your situation, help you see other perspective, help you purify and return to the heart, help you reconnect with the Highest and Purest Frequencies for the good of all, and help you see benefits in all sorts of situations.

We also work with activation and development of some psychic abilities and gifts you might want to unlock.

Common requests:

  • limiting beliefs removal

  • realignment to God/Source/Prime Creator

  • reconnections to your Highest Self / Highest and Purest Frequencies

  • building emotional intelligence

  • fear and blockages removal

  • regressions

  • rewriting contracts

  • particular personal questions

  • inner child healing

  • trauma healing

  • energy centers healing and reactivation

  • light language activation

  • dragons activation

and many more

💶 Energy exchange: 155€

We might not be able to do everything in one event, as your soul has been in this process for thousands of years and the shift takes patience, dedication and practice.

I am very proud of you that you chose to show up
for yourself and others for the good of all

If you are ready to go deeper into the inner work and want to potentially serve others, Mentorship Program can be a good place to start

choose the Option suitable for your needs


Here is what my clients said:

Kiran, the UK
Emotionally I have felt a lot lighter like the a lot of dense energy has been moved and removed. Physically I have felt very tired and drained but its getting a lot better as my body is processing all that has happened. I felt safe using the modalities and they're not ones I've used before. I feel like they've helped me a great deal and I do feel a lot more positive and stronger after the sword removal. Viktoria you are an exceptional facilitator. Very caring and always on hand to answer any questions. I felt very supported. Thank you. I think you should just keep doing what you're doing. You're energy is lovely and you can tell you love what you do and genuinely want to help others. Xx

Rosa Maria, the USA
The first days I completed the removal multidimensional sword I felt tired, emotional, and somehow confused. It was a new beginning, a new rebirth and everything appeared to be new to me. This is the first time I felt like if I was a baby girl and had a lot of joy in my heart. There were moments where I was feeling too much pain, my heart felt broken in pieces. However, just my listening the sweet and loving of Viktoria, I continued with the process. I can honestly say that many people came to mind. I was reviving the experiences of getting my heart broken. The worse experience took me all the way back to my mother womb. I felt my heart connected with my mother’s heart and that was the most painful experience that so far, I have experience in my life. Feeling unwanted, sad, broken, unloved. I remember hearing my dad cussing and hitting to my mother and my mother wanting to die, to disappear, hopeless and helpless. At that moment, Viktoria’s loving voice brought me back and gave me the comfort and strength I needed it. After that, I felt my heart rebuilding piece by piece with so much love and patience, creating a master piece. I feel happy, joyful, free of clatter in my heart, lighter, I even have noticed less hungry and I have been losing weight. I loved the methods and modalities utilized by our beautiful teacher/healer/facilitator, Viktoria. I felt safe because I knew she was there with me, during the process, I felt her energy, her love, her presence. When I needed the nurturing, her face appeared and I knew I was in the right path. I allowed myself to complete the process safe because I know Viktoria was there. Viktoria is very accessible and she responds right away any questions or concerns we might have. Since I read about the services that she provides, I knew I wanted to reach out to her and ask for more details. During the multidimensional sword removal, I realized that Viktoria and I were siblings in another life where she was a doctor. Very interesting as coincidence doesn’t exist. I truly recommend Viktoria’s services, especially because she’s an amazing facilitator. The sacred personal healing code she created just for me, really helped me go through the healing process because it gave me the strength I needed it. I can go back to listen to it anytime I want and that’s such a great gift to have being personalized. Viktoria explains everything clear, well-detailed, and easy to follow. To me, it was easy to go through the process. One thing that really impacted me was when I read the personalized letter she wrote stating all the things she found in my heart channels without even seeing me in person, yet in spirit. She was able to hear a lot in the voice recording I sent her and right away, she knew what to do and what to incorporate in my multidimensional Sword removal process. Thank you very much Viktoria for existing, thank you for all your support, love and dedication. Continue to be the beautiful being to heal others. I love you 💕

Aaron, the USA
Hi Viktoria! I am a huge fan of your work and energy! Your writing is what led me to you 😊I've been doing so well since we spoke. Your words of kindness, compassion and gratitude truly helped me look within. I appreciate you taking the time to spend with me that morning/evening. I am grateful we were able to cross paths. 💎It's been night and day since then. I had to let go of so much. Mostly my fear of living. I now love to live, smile genuinely and have found self compassion (it's starting to leak outwardly 🤫😊hehe)💎 Thank you for sitting with me last night, it helped me understand where limiting beliefs come from along and how I can tap into them. I am also extremely curious to learn more about my own masculine and feminine dance, within. I want to learn more about this dance!💎I am grateful to have met you and Look forward to another!🙏 💎
💎 I am so grateful for meeting you when I did. Your presence is needed in this world and you've opened up my heart space to help me move forward with my journey. Forever grateful for you Dragon momma

Valeria, the USA
Just wanted to say Thank you! Today has been interesting, in the middle of an argument, I remembered your words “see with your heart” and all of a sudden I did. Not the words, not how they sound, but what’s behind them. It was really awesome. Thank you🤗