Explore the Offerings


Welcome to my Sacred Space!
I am Viktoria Ksheviskaya
Your spirit guide

I am also an author, a speaker, a healer, a mentor and a teacher
and I am here for the highest good of all

I would be happy to hold your space
for the transformation to gentle and smooth

If you feel stuck, emotional or imbalanced, here is a complex energy healing approach with multiple steps

Single sessions and transmissions for emotional purification, reset, realignment, reconnection to your true self and your values for the highest good of all

If you are ready to go deeper
into understanding the Self and serving through your heart, and want me to hold your space, Mentorship Program is for you

12 steps to greater abundance though attuning to nature’s abundance, cultivating self-worth and confidence

Reprogram the subconscious mind, take responsibility for your actions

You want to play with your website, build webinars and programs, create designs and emails yourself - this is a place for you

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