‘Trust Your Emerald Heart’
Welcome To My Sacred Space!
I Am Viktoria Ksheviskaya - Your Spirit Guide!
I am also an author, a speaker, a healer, a mentor and a teacher and I am here for the highest good of all
In this sacred space I'm sharing my perspective on the healing journey, on spirituality, on the self-development, and everything that is connected with consciousness, heart and growth, what we can do to make this world a better place to be in for the good of all via attuning to loving kindness, embodying the highest potential and sharing love through all the actions that we take in life
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Today I am sharing about the topic of purification, when we need to do that, what kind of steps we can take to heal ourselves. Purification is actually initial and very, very important step for all of us to take
Transmission for Integration and Cycles Completion
It is the frequency upgrade, integration and completion of the cycles and expansion process, current work updates, inner work guidance and gratitude to the ancestors, to the support, to the guidance, to the joyful implementation of all the work that has been done, is being done and will be done.
Activate Inner Nutritionist
Today we are talking about food, activation of inner nutritionist and conscious choices regarding the food, which we can make when we are fully attuned to our bodies. We are able to feel beyond the cravings. We are able to hear what our bodies are communicating to us. We are able to understand what our body needs, what we should avoid, what we should add to our diet.
Throat Chakra Block, What It Is About?
Whenever I ask to choose a code, many people choose this blue code, because many of us have/had throat chakra block. Learn what it is about and how to shift
Sound Healing: Come Back to the Presence
This episode has several sound healing therapies for you to return to the present moment, recalibrate, merge with all the fragments and fractals of your soul, gain clarity, activate inner knowing and receive the quantum upgrade on the deepest possible level.
Generosity for the Collective
How do we work with greed and lack mentality for all?
Release judgement as the only way is to work with yourself through the self
Divine Child
It is a very essential transmission. Because we all are divine and we all are children within. When we came to this incarnation we wanted to remember, we wanted to know our divinity, our gifts and our mission, but we also voluntarily forgot.
Embrace the Feminine Within. Accept the Mother
We all came to life through a mother. That was an assignment and an agreement that pure love will be activated when we land. Yet sometimes the relationship with the mother are not the easiest ones. Or sometimes the mother is already gone and transitioned. But the energy is there and we are to harmonize.
Healing Father Wound & Abandonment Trauma
Most of us had this or that type of father wounds. For some father was just not available physically or emotionally. For others some sort of abuse was there. All of us sooner or later need to address the core issue, the wound deeply rooted in our psyche.
The Mystical Story of a Red Ring
In this podcast I am sharing a mission work from the unseen here in Bali. Bali is full of mystical things you can see if you open up, but in fact any other place as well. Dare to see, open up your feelings to be able to perceive.