Transmission for Integration and Cycles Completion

28 February 2024, by Viktoria Kshevinskaya

Hello my dear!
This is Viktoria Suardi, Founder of BE School Space.

Today I want to share something very special! I have uploaded a very powerful transmission for everyone to benefit, it is available on YouTube, Spotify and other platforms.
Please enjoy and share with anyone who might benefit from it as well.

This transmission is the frequency upgrade, integration and completion of the cycles and expansion process, current work updates, inner work guidance and gratitude to the ancestors, to the support, to the guidance, to the joyful implementation of all the work that has been done, is being done and will be done. It is a transmission to support you through the energetic shifts and the upgrades.

There is something important I want to mention!!!!

First of all this is the first practice I had to place a disclaimer upon. I want you to pay attention to it. I will explain why. 

So the thing is, when you do some spiritual practice or some inner work or transmission or meditation or some particular topic devoted work, something that was suppressed or unhealed can go to a surface level, meaning it is showing up for you to address it, which can be manifested in the physical reality as some sort of memories, emotions, situations or whatever, to be able to go deeper and understand what that is.

So in the practice, which I have uploaded to Spotify, YouTube and other platforms and everyone is welcome to go and to receive,  it is a long half an hour practice, which is the integration of all sorts of spiritual work which was done before this moment, including all energy centers, merging the fractals and fragments of your soul, including all sorts of mental shifts like giving and receiving, and many different things. 

It's a very deep work, my work, but for the humanity as well.
I'm anchoring it down and making it available for everyone.

I'm putting a disclaimer that if you haven't done something before, if you haven't finished your work, if you haven't finished your mental shifts, it will be there for you to face it.

And it can be a block for someone, and somebody might want to stop it there and just not go further. It's okay. And I understand everyone wants peace and harmony and love and light.

But in spirituality, it's actually not always that way. Because sometimes we have to face those uncomfortable emotions from the past experiences which we suppressed in the subconscious mind. And then actually, by looking into those uncomfortable feelings and emotions, we allow that to be purified. We allow that to be purged. We allow that to be cleaned.

And if you just want fast surface level healing, it's not for you.

But if you want to address what else is there, that's something deep that you can do.

And now I want to share the story of how I got it, I know you love stories.

A few days ago it was Galungan here in Bali, the Hindu celebration devoted to dharma winning over adharma, literally good vs. bad and honoring of the ancestors. 

On that day I felt called to place my family picture on the wall, someone of you might remember, I shared previously, that in 2023 I lost my Mom, but also I did very deep Ancestral Healing process, which was integrated into System Reset.

So when I decided to place my family pictures and codes on my wall, I was called to reflect upon all the codes which I have, all the work that I have done and all the on-going and current projects as well. 

It turned out that for me personally, the energy centers work has already been completed, and I have been sharing it with you in 7 Chakras Healing Journey, which is available as a self-paced healing journey now.

Many things I was constantly working on for the last couple of years - relationship healing, old grudges, heart healing, families healing, heart-to-heart communication, telepathic abilities, intuitive abilities, self-worth, support, coherence, balance of masculine & feminine energies and more - felt completed for me for that level, although it is a multilayered cake, always.

And there are on-going projects of mine such as merging of sacred and throat, throat healing and activation, true divine feminine energy embodiment, Inner Earth connection, self-acceptance, shielding, calling in proper people into my life and saying NO to those not aligned, managing emotions, which are energy in motion and more. 

So when I placed my ancestors on the wall, I was called to upgrade the frequency and the relaminate all the codes, rearrange and reevaluate all the inner work. 

The room was buzzing with the Highest and Purest Frequencies and lot of bling bling. 

You know that feeling when the energy is so strong, the only thing you can do is to surrender and to anchor it down.

So here it is.

You are more than welcome to receive and please share with those who will benefit from it as well. 

When you do the transmission, please reach out to let me know how it lands and how you feel.

If you want me to hold your space throughout your personal healing journey, the consultation - aka discovery call - is always FREE. 

I love you dearly, 


Please note: transmission is not time-specific, you can do it at any time, when you feel it is time for you to expand



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support me and my project


Transmission Script

This is Viktoria Suardi, BE School Space and today's podcast is a transmission which is devoted to the topic of cycles completion and integration.

Many of you have been on the spiritual journey for quite a while, and if you started listening to this podcast from the very beginning, it means that you have done a lot of work around recalibration, around purification, around many different topics, around healing your family's connection. Some of you might have taken some programs or courses or have done their own inner work. And it might happen so that you might feel that the time has come to go to the next level, the time has come to close what you have been doing and to go to the next level of expansion. But for that, the integration is needed.

The integration of everything that you were taking care of, whether it is the chakra work, whether it is masculine and feminine integration, or whether that is the relationship work or confidence or anything that you were focused on, emotional intelligence. Many different things were topical for us for some particular period of time. And when the time comes, we can already take it in our system, embody it fully and go to the next level. The thing is that obviously it is a multilayered cake. There is never the final destination. It is a journey and new things open up when the time comes to address something else. But I would like to remind you that never take for granted what you have already done. It is very important that you decided and made a choice to do this healing, to do this inner work. So today's transmission is very deep and very special. And if you feel that you are not ready or not there yet, start with other transmissions or sharings. Do the work, come into personal work, come into System Reset, work with me directly so that you can learn about all these things that we are talking about in this transmission. And then when the time comes, you can use this ‘Cycles Completion and Integration Transmission’ so that you go to this next level. Although if you feel that you're ready, it's OK.
But please follow the disclaimer.

The disclaimer is very important and I want you to pay attention to it because if you are not ready, if you haven't done the work, the situation will play out so that you have to do the work. Some circumstances will be brought to you, some emotions might pop up, something might come up to the surface level so that you address it. Be very attentive and careful and reach out if you need help or support. I would also appreciate it very much if you could share this with those who might find it beneficial for their growth. Thank you so much and enjoy the transmission.


Create a sacred space for you to receive. Sit comfortably or lie down. If you accidentally fall asleep during the transmission, it is OK, you will receive on a different level. You can repeat the process as many times as you need. 

This transmission is the frequency upgrade, integration and completion of the cycles and expansion process and current work updates inner work guidance and gratitude to the ancestors, to the support, to the guidance, to the joyful implementation of all the work that has been done, being done and will be done. 

Only highest and purest frequencies are invited into this space. All other entities and beings are kindly asked to respect the sacred space and leave. 

Lit up a candle, some incense. Create a sacred space around yourself. 

Create a space where you are able to go within, where you are able to remember who you truly are beyond this physical body, where you are able to reconnect with your true self, with your highest selves, multidimensional selves, higher and lower merging as one, reconnecting to your roots, remembering the ancestors, giving gratitude to the land, giving gratitude for the energetic support of everyone around you, of everyone who is there for you. 

I am inviting angelic beings, soul, family, soul fragments and fractals, multidimensional selves, dragons, unicorns, phoenixes, angels.

Make a deep breath in, deep breath out, deep breath in, deep breath out, deep breath in, deep breath out, deep breathing, deep breath out, deep breathing, deep breath out. 

Breathe deeply, normally, effortlessly.

I'm inviting the Divine Support Team, the Reinforcement Team to purify our energetic system, to purify all our bodies, all our energy centers, to remove all the seals, plug-ins, to shut off and shut down all the machinery, to disconnect, dismantle and clear up everything that is not supposed to be in our system for the highest good of all. Only those who are here to receive the healing, to serve the humanity for the highest good can stay. Everything else that is not love, that is not the highest and purest frequencies are kindly asked to respect the sacred space and leave.

Thank you, I will speak in tongues.

Reconnecting to your Highest Self, to God/Source/Prime Creator directly, and inviting all your ancestors to join, to express gratitude to them, to support them, and to ask them for the support and guidance.As the wisdom is in the roots, you are your own ancestor as well from other dimensions. All the ancestors are supporting you. Feel their presence, feel their guidance, feel how they hold you sacred, how they're grateful for all the work that you are doing, continue doing and will be doing.

There is a lot of work to take care of, not only the energy centers we are talking here about, but we start with the energy centers to make sure we balance them out in our life.

If not, we can go deeper when the situation occurs. Connect with me for doing deeper healing work.

We're balancing out the Root:
feeling stability, feeling security, feeling strength from within.

We're balancing out the emotions (Sacred):
purifying all the emotions connected with the relationship, with the past relationship, with all sorts of grudges, with all sorts of situations, clearing up the emotional debris, clearing up all sorts of obstacles on the path of your mission and service.

I want you to know from within what you are here to do and how you are here to implement that (Solar Plexus):
what kind of steps you are to take and start making those steps one step at a time, one step at a time, one step at a time, gracefully, easily, effortlessly. One step at a time, trusting that the Divine Abundance is to come as a result of merge of Divine Love and Divine purpose. If you know from within that this is something for the good of all, this is something created through Love. This is something created with the support of your highest self and with the highest and purest frequencies. This is bond to be successful.

Yet what is success? Just the survival level of success or the frequency recalibration which you are bringing through every single touch? Trust that God is here to play through you. Trust you are never alone. Trust, you are to play, you are to be joyful. You are here for the highest good of all.

Merge the lower energy centers: your Root, your Sacred and your Solar Plexus, with your Heart, with the lower heart and upper heart coming into the coherence, with your brain, with your mind, with the subconscious mind, with the reasoning mind, with the intuitive mind.

All your energy centers are coming together as one through your heart. You're moving this energy from your lower energy centers through your heart to the upper energy centers merging as one.

Your Heart is being purified. Your frequency is being upgraded. All the layers that you have shedded, everything that you have done before is valid. All the work that you were doing is important. Everything that was happening was there for a reason. And all the divine support team, reinforcement team and your ancestors are so grateful for the work that you have done.

Thank you.
Be grateful for yourself.
Be grateful for yourself.
Be grateful for yourself.
Thank you for being courageous to do this work.
Thank you for going deep.
Thank you for not being scared of any difficulties.
Thank you for moving forward.
Thank you for taking steps.

And even if you detoured and feel that you are back to the roots, back to the basics, it doesn't mean that you haven't done the work or failed.

Cancel. Clear. Delete.

It means that you had more pieces of the puzzle to be found, more work to be done. It is a multilayered cake with a lot of steps and you have done as much as you could do.

It is a never ending journey. There is no destination, yet the journey is important.

If you have done all the work, you would not be here on this planet, in this body.

Look at your Heart.

How is your inner child?
How is that baby?
How is that little one inside of you?
Is he cheerful?
Is he joyful?
Is he creative?
Is he radient?
Is he accepted, supported, loved?

Give him everything that he needs, everything that she wants. Reassure him or her that they are here for a reason. They are needed, they are wanted, they are supported. And let them play. Let them be creative, let them be expressive, let them be joyful. Let them be.

Go from your heart to your Throat.

Remove all the collars, all the obstacles, all the things which were suppressing your true, authentic self-expression: doubts, fears, unnecessary opinions. Clear everything up, Make a sound.

Merge your Sacred and your Throat.
Pulse the energy from your Sacred to your Throat. Repair your Throat.

On the deepest level, repair your Throat and also at the same time repair the eggs and semen within your Sacred. The generational trauma of suppression, repression, abuse, everything that was not supposed to be in your Sacred is now released, cleared and removed.

And now pulse the energy from your Throat down to your Sacred.
Merging the lower body and upper body.

Move that energy back to your throat and to the Pineal Gland in the middle of your head.

Throughout the incarnation after incarnation, incarnation after the incarnation, incarnation after the incarnation, you gained experiences, distortions, memories. You were not only a good guy, but also a bad guy. And the forgiveness is necessary. Ask them to forgive you. Forgive them and forgive yourself. Forgive yourself for being imperfectly perfect. Forgive yourself for not doing everything that you could. Forgive yourself for mistakes, lessons and experiences and make a conscious choice to access your library now, to access your library with the Highest and Purest intentions for the Highest Good of all and gain knowledge and wisdom. Gain knowledge and wisdom which belongs to you through your birthright, which has always been there. Yet you might have forgotten, or you were not truly accepting yourself for who you are, not truly seeing yourself for who you are. But yet now it's time to drop all the shackles. It's time to drop everything that was limiting you, that was not you, or not valid anymore. Cancel, clear, delete.


You are imperfectly perfect.
You are joyful.
You are that inner child at play.

You don't have to be anyone else except for you, and you are guided and protected to be your true self in your imperfectly perfect body, in your imperfectly perfect actions, in your imperfectly perfect authentic self-expression, for the highest good of all, for the highest good of all, for the highest good of all.

You are that inner child who knows from within and trusted from within and guided and protected and supported and is here for healing, is here for play, is here for growth, is here for joy, is here to anchor down the highest and purest frequencies into the physicality through the creations, generously sharing those with those around you, and yet knowing your true value, knowing what you are here to do and how you are here to express yourself.

You are to receive.
You are to give.
Balance giving and receiving.

Gracefully reactivate all your gifts and magic through your Third Eye and through the access to your library.

Disconnecting, shutting off and shutting down and dismantling all the false activations, all the false types of wisdom, everything that is not resonant, everything that is no longer valid, everything that is not supposed to be here. Shutting off and shutting down. That's it. You no longer need that.

And now come into your Crown and reconnecting to the Divine, reconnecting to your Highest Self, reconnecting to God / Source / Prime Creator, to the highest self from other dimensions, coming together as one and knowing from within.

What is your true why for expression, for love, for joyful connections, for creations, for being here in this incarnation, in this physical body, in these connections with those around you. Knowing from within and confidently trusting your inner guidance.

Trusting that you are needed.
Your voice matters.
Your voice is needed and heard, and loud enough as it is.

The frequency and those who need to hear it will be magically aligned with you, will magically hear your tiny voice from any other part of the planet as you are transmitting the frequency of love, the highest and purest frequency for the highest good of all, for the highest good of all, for the highest good of all, for the highest good of all.

Come to your heart, come to your wholeness, come to your purity and allow the dots to be connected.

Leaving aside everything that is not resonant.
Leaving aside everything that is not valid, that is not the highest and purest, everything that is no longer needed.

Let go, leave it behind, and now allow yourself to receive the guidance from within. Stay in your heart as long as it is needed and always after the transmission.

Allow the waterfall waters to purify your bodies, your heart, your mind, your energetic womb, all your physical organs, all your energy, and merge all the energy centers as one.

You have gone this far. It was not easy.

I am proud of you, we are proud of you. We are supporting you, loving you and cheering you. We are to celebrate you. You have gone this far. You are never alone. Your soul family is here. We are here to support you.

Reach out to ask for help and to go deeper, layer by layer, clearing everything that is no longer needed for being your pure self, being your pure self, being your pure self for the highest good of all.

Thank you for receiving this transmission.

I love you.
This was Viktoria from BE School Space.

You can connect with me to go deeper. Have a good day.

Your energy stays with you. My energy stays with me.

others Ways to work with me

FREE Meditation Library
Explore the meditations available to support you through your healing journey for the highest good of all

System Reset
If you feel it is time for a reset, I invite you to a self-paced journey, where you will recalibrate, purify and come into wholeness, while healing your energy, your attitudes, your relationship and your families connections. I will be lovingly hold your space in the chat.

Personal Energy Healing & Sessions
For those desiring a personal touch, there are multiple options to go deeper starting with personal codes and transmissions and further with sessions, ceremonies and even body work.

Mentorship Program
Most of the time one session is not enough to heal the trauma or to overcome the obstacles, as our psyche is the multilayered cake, Mentorship Program is for you if you want me to hold your space on weekly calls within 1/3/6/12 months journey within to transform your life completely and to become who you always wanted to become.


Viktoria Suardi

I am here to support you in your divine energy embodiment process, to hold space for your transformation, to help you heal and anchor down the highest and purest frequencies available for you and your self-expression




Activate Inner Nutritionist