Hello, my love!

Today I am sharing about the topic of purification, when we need to do that, what kind of steps we can take to heal ourselves.

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Episode Transcript

Hello and welcome to Trust your Emerald Heart Podcast. This is Viktoria, BE School Space. Today I want to talk about a topic of purification and when we need to do that and also what kind of steps we can take to heal ourselves. You can explore my webpage for some meditations. In the meditation portal we have Self Healing Activation Meditation and also System Reset is available for those who need deeper healing. You could also go into Personal Sessions, Transmissions and Mentorship Program if you're ready to go through a deeper type of healing.


Purification is actually initial and very, very important step for all of us to take. And it often happens so that when we are consuming lots of different things such as news, food, we have different types of thoughts. Those are the bugs in the system, so to speak. They are not so beneficial for us. They are harmful. They can be just destroying ourselves from inside.

And it's important to take the responsibility at this moment and to understand that many things depend on you.

Recently someone contacted me asking if I believe in jinx like spells placed on people by other people which bring misfortunes, which bring difficult circumstances to the families, to the experience. And the lady who contacted me, she recently had a series of situations for her family where she kind of felt that somebody brought her that spell of bad luck through the jealousy they had. And of course, inside of her, she had all sorts of resentment and anger towards that person, potentially bringing her whatever she was experiencing. And when she contacted me, I instantly told her, like, if you feel that, that is that.

But the thing is that, you know, having all this resentment and anger inside of us is not helpful, right? And we cannot heal ourselves while we are having that because that is the poison, the poison we are destroying ourselves with from inside. And that is what we are to clean.

Cancer. Clear. Delete.

We don't want that inside of our system. We want that out. Yet what is there inside of our system? What else is there? What is left when we clear that all up? And I will talk about methods and ways of cleaning, but yeah, I have to address this topic because it's very, very important. No matter what happened, no matter what somebody did to you, it was also for you in a way. And it's hard to understand and it's hard to comprehend, yet it is always like that. We resist to come back to our true selves. We resist to connect to God / Source / Prime Creator. We resist to do the inner work.And then the outer circumstances make us do that, make us address what is inside of us, make us look inwards and search for the peace inwards. And it's hard, of course, to cultivate that forgiveness, to cultivate that forgiveness for those outside, to cultivate that forgiveness for the experience, to cultivate the forgiveness for the self and to ask their forgiveness as well on the multidimensional level, on the energetic level, if you're not really connected.

It's important to purify the heart, the thoughts, the body for you to be able to find that loving heart within, that purity, that innocence, that innocent being, the inner child, so to speak, innocent being within you. And from that on you can find that gem within you, find that pure love, the original code of who you came here to be. No matter what is the human construct, no matter what is the society projection, no matter what your family told you, no matter all this like resentment, which is, you know, accepted in a society somehow, all these fights and things.

You are not here to fight.
You are here to purify and to spread loving kindness, compassion.

You know, people who hurt us, they have full, full body and mind of poison. They have a lot of poison within their heart. And if we respond with the same thing to them, we're not making this life more kind. What we have to do is we have to find those ways inside of us for us to purify and for us to spread loving kindness and compassion instead.


Harmonizing the Chaos, BE School Space


Once you are starting to purify yourself, start with the physical place you are residing in, with your house, with your apartment, with your place.

Get rid of all the old stuff, everything that is no longer needed, that you do not use, that you're not going to be, you know, coming back to, just get rid of it. Let it go, give it to people. Find a way to clean the space, clean the floors, reorganize shelves, find harmony and peace. And while you're doing that, you will be experiencing the storm. The thoughts will be coming. The memories, whatever that is, it's OK. It's a part of the experience. After the storm, the calmness is coming always. Trust. Cultivate that trust within.

No matter what kind of experience you are having, it is for a reason.
There is a lesson to learn. There is something for you to gain from it. And whether that is the opportunity to find God from within, whether that is the opportunity to connect to the highest and purest frequencies, whether that is to understand something and to learn something, or whether that is just the access to the pure love - that is already plenty.

While you're cleaning your space, purify your thoughts. Purify the experience. Shift the way you think. Try to clear that up, that resentment, that anger, that fear, whatever that is, that is a part of your experience. Yet the trust for the God, for the love, for the purity is always there.

You know, it happened so that we live not in the linear life we know, but also the multidimensional experience is there, right? So we're not only good guys, but also bad ones in the parallel realities, in the past lives and with those who act not so well towards us we had karmic agreements, we had some sort of contracts from before and that's why we experienced things.

Although we don't have to stay in those emotions, we can take the responsibility of what is to come and no matter what it was, we can go to the next level.

And it is your responsibility to take care of your thoughts, of your actions and of your body.

The next step is to purify your body and obviously we get a lot of parasite from the food we consume, from all the processed stuff and sugar and all this kind of things. The parasites love it. If you can do the anti parasite cleanse, that's perfect. If you cannot, just try to clear up your diet so that it's actually beneficial for you.

You can listen to a different recording about Inner Nutritionist.
It's important for you to listen to your body to truly know from within what is good for you and what is not. It's not that you have to stop eating animal products and things like that. It's good when you do, but it's not a must. You can just eat more healthy, you can just get more pure water, you can just avoid sugars and coffee and things like that.

And also you can deal with your habits. Although you know, quitting smoking just instantly is not an easy process. Although if you always wanted to do that, it's probably the time.

So the purification is the mind, the body, the place and the action.
It's all together and energetic as well.

Speaking about the energies, when you take time to actually be with yourself, to be in your stillness, in your calmness, in your peace, you kind of have an opportunity to understand what your energy is. And then when you have energy from outside, like somebody is trying to connect to you or you go somewhere and you pick something up, you notice the shift, you notice, aha, this is foreign, this is not mine. And you can ask that energy to live.

You can say things like:

Only Highest and Purest Frequencies are invited into the space. All other entities and beings are kindly asked to respect the sacred space and leave.

And again, you can do it light language very quick. You don't have to repeat the whole thing.

The thing is that we have a choice and no one and nothing is allowed to stay if we do not allow. And then we seal the container, we maintain the purity from inside, and then we cultivate that pure love from inside. We balance all our energy centres, we come back to the heart, we cultivate that inner harmony, inner knowing, inner being, inner stillness, and then from our heart, we spread it to everything outside of us. Through our loving touch, through our experience and connections, we support everyone and everything.

But what kind of support can you give to someone, for example, a sick person, if you're not balanced yourself, right? It's important to purify and balance yourself first before healing or helping someone. It is very important because when you feel that your energy is imbalanced, that's exactly what you are spreading. So you have to have tools of recalibration and purification, especially emotional purification.

You know, emotional purification is actually one of the most important process for this life because all sorts of matrix attacks and beings are trying to connect with us on the emotional level and adjust themselves to our Sacred, to our Root, trying to suck the energy, trying to make you make you just work for them in a way. But at the same time, if you make a choice that it's not what you choose, they cannot continue doing that. If you ask them leave, they cannot stay. And the emotions and building strong emotional intelligence, transmuting that fire and knowing from within that actually I have tools to put myself back together. I have an opportunity to put myself into my centre. And those tools, they are nothing so specific. Everyone has his own way, whether it is meditation, sound healing, somatic movement, emotional purification, journaling, it is something that helps you to come back to the centre. And when you have a big toolbox for your own experience, you have something to support you through your human journey.

And things will be happening. People will be dying, we will be losing our loved ones. It is life, it is the cycle. Loved ones will be getting sick and you know, experiences will be happening with us, to us, for us.

But we have to know how to put ourselves back together when something is happening. And only when you are centered you can support others.

You can use some of my recordings and offerings to support your journey. For example Self Healing Activation Meditation is an opportunity to find within why you are having some sort of physical disorders. And if for example your relative is having physical problems, you can also anchor it down through yourself. Not necessarily need to tell them, but please ask their highest self if they allow you to heal them. And this is important. I'm talking about energetic boundaries. There is a different recording on that topic if you want to refer to that.

And also calming down Sound Healing is good for that. You can use any of my recordings, any of other Crystal Healing Recordings. And the clarity is important. Trusting your heart is important. If you feel that you need more support, you can do System Reset. It's a multiple steps healing journey where you recalibrate and purify and connect with the ancestors and connect with those who have gone already and build trust from within. The System Reset is a very complex journey which you can take by yourself. It's not a long and difficult experience, it's just the audios, multiple steps. But it's a very powerful tool and many people have already taken it and I strongly recommend it to anyone who needs support in his journey. Also, if you want a personal touch, you can go to Personal Sessions, and if you want to go deeper, you can apply for the Mentorship Program, which is available.

And also, once in a while, I host events, ‘Transmute That Fire’ is the event to build emotional intelligence. And that is the place where we learn how to use all these tools which I mentioned just now.

So explore the footnotes and share this recording with those who might benefit from it.

Have a good day.

Thank you for being a part of my experience and community and for your interest to transform your life. My name is ViKtoria Kshevinskaya, BE School Space, and I am here to support you in your spiritual journey and to create a better reality together. Explore the footnotes available and opt-in to download meditations and other offerings suitable for your needs. Reach out via e-mail to ask me questions and to explore the possibilities to work together.

If you found this recording useful, set up a high rating and share with those who might benefit from it as well.

I will be happy to talk to you soon again.
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I love you,
Viktoria Kshevinskaya


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