Meditation Portal


When you meditate regularly you not only learn to calm down and manage stress, but you also gain clarity,
sense of direction and confidence

Hi! Viktoria Kshevinskaya is here.
I started meditating in 2016, when I thought that my world was crumbling apart and I knew no other way to slow my mind down. I felt that the speed it was spinning around with was too high for me to be able to maintain the sanity. Those 10-15 mins of peace were so needed, although it was hard for me to relax for even those tiny moments, I started doing it and celebrating myself every day as it not only gave me a powerful self-healing tool, but also I received a sense direction, clarity and understanding of what was happening. Ever since I was doing it daily, I took several silent retreats and have been teaching spirituality and creating guidance for others with the highest and purest frequencies. 

I am inviting you to explore FREE Meditation Portal Library
With Multiple guided meditations and Transmissions
I have created for different topics

Learn more and see the sneak peeks of the inside on the the video below

Sign Up to have a FREE Access to more than 15 Meditations, which will help you to perceive the reality through the heart, understand how to heal yourself and see your path differently

Once you sign up you will receive access to my
special Meditation Portal Library, which has:

Please Share with loved ones

Here is What People shared about my practices

Andrea Siri Prem, Yoga Teacher, Germany
Hi, lovely Viktoria, I signed up and I am very grateful for your powerful meditations. I fell asleep with every single one for the transformation of the heart. My usual response to meditations/activations. I am happy for the transformation taking place.

Lilian Hii, Sacred Heart Valley Creatrix, Australia
Hi V, I have clicked through the meditation portals and great work and so organised!
I already see many golden blessing bling bling surrounding your sacred space.
When the person in stillness they could receive this frequency for grounding in their gravity and the energy receiving is the purest of all.
Thank you for your service.

Jenn George, Founder of GOTC, the Netherlands
I logged in and quickly browse through top to the bottom. It’s flying now. 💓
It’s beautiful. You’ve done a great job and wonderful service to humanity.

Anastasia Samana, yoga teacher

That's a lot of work and effort. Thank you for sharing your medicine with others.
I pray for you to be compensated for your work exceedingly and abundantly ✨

Annie Jameson, Soundhealer, New Zealand
Hi, Viktoria! I just wanted to say what a beautiful, beautiful heart meditation you've got. Such a lovely, exquisite energy, such a high vibration, so pure. Love your voice and just all that you do, congratulating you from the universe, supporting you and wrapping you in Divine Love.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Aaron, accountant, the USA
I've been having a rough couple days. So, I decided to listen to your meditation to recalibrate. I feel much better after the alignment, I always come back to your heart meditation when I need recal. I'm receiving signs that I am fully supported and just need to be easy on myself.
I want to thank you for being part of my life and how you are a blessing in my life. I'm glad you are guiding people and being the beacon that you are. You're truly are soul family.
Much love!

Jamie, Transformation/Authenticity Coach, the USA
I stumbled upon one of the most tapped in women I have met! I joined her event in Ubud and had NO idea what I was in for. It proceeded to be absolutely life-changing for me and her codes were exactly what my soul needed. Her wealth of knowledge with energy, frequency, and all things on and off this earth plane were exactly what I have been searching for to support me in this next adventure to connect with the unseen. And to expand my awareness beyond just my physical body. I know there’s sooooo much more to learn and so grateful I have found such a powerful master teacher. I’ve only scratched the surface and I’m eternally grateful for your a wisdom and your heart Viktoria Kshevinskaya Many more experience and upgrades to come 🔥🔥🔥

Natalie, Flower Therapist and Energy Worker, Australia
Hi Viktoria, thank you so much for your transmission earlier. But I am excited to release and cleanse anything that no longer serves that you helped clear from my body right now. Divinely timed. I found the session to be both activating and soothing for me. I look forward to joining again in the future, thank you thank you thank you for what you so generously share 🤍

Kasia, Quantum Healer & Business Mentor
Thank you so much Viktoria for session yesterday
It was exactly what I needed and I feel so much lighter and nourished.
A lot of clarity came through ❤️👌
And I have way more patience to show up for my 2 under 2 🙃😍

Eden, Energy Healer & Hospitality Business Owner
Morning, just wanted to say my body feels so much more fluid today and playful, I'm even going to get together for 1 dance with my staff before we open for the day, they all have too much stagnant energy, so will make it a daily start to work, loosen them up and laugh 😁