Activate Inner Nutritionist

Hello, my love!

Today we are talking about food, activation of inner nutritionist and conscious choices regarding the food, which we can make when we are fully attuned to our bodies. We are able to feel beyond the cravings. We are able to hear what our bodies are communicating to us. We are able to understand what our body needs, what we should avoid, what we should add to our diet. All types of diet and food are good for some seasons, are good for some activities, are good for some periods of your life. You can try different types of diets depending on what is necessary for your body and what is the goal.

Start with the video to reflect on your journey and proceed to the transmission below
to activate your inner nutritionist

In this video I am sharing my experience about being vegan for a while and then going back to conscious eating and listening to my body needs

All of us need to learn to listen to our own bodies and to be able to make conscious choices depending on what the body’s needs are at the given moment


Activate Inner Nutritionist, light code


Inner Nutritionist Activation Transmission

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Episode Transcript

Hello my friends, this is Viktoria Kshevinskaya,
Trust your Emerald Heart podcast, BE School Space

Today we are addressing a topic of food and the transmission you are about to listen is called ‘Activate Inner Nutritionist’. And it's not that I'm going to teach you what to eat and what not to eat. It's more about attuning to your own body and allowing your own body to guide you, what you truly need and what would be beneficial for your condition, for your energy, for yourself.

It often happens so that we want different results in our life and we want a shift, or our bodies were seek and our body needs extra strength or extra support or extra something, extra energy, so to speak. And because we were stuck in some paradigm of thinking, of mentality, it's difficult for us to attune to a different one or to shift or to recalibrate or to even heal, when the time comes for healing. And I want you to understand that it's OK to change the diet. It's OK to attune and to experiment and to try different things. And you know when we first time try vegetarian diet for example, we feel very light and we feel very different from what it was before.

And yet when we feel sick or constantly lack of energy or something of that kind, it's kind of like we are in this spiritual ego thinking that we cannot go back because this and that and that and that, our belief system. Yet it's OK to experience, to explore and to change. You can know more about my personal opinion in the YouTube video. You can find it in the footnotes.

And in this particular transmission, I want you to attune to the place and to the frequency and to the feeling where you can witness and hear what your own body is communicating to you. And whether it is to stop drinking coffee, or to change the diet, or to heal the parasites inside of you, or to drink more water or whatever it is, it is you who is to decide. Not anyone else is there to tell you. It is your own situation, your own body, your own energy and your own responsibility to be able to hear that. Explore the footnotes available for other meditations. For example, in the Meditation Library we have Self Healing Activation Meditation for you to be able to hear and understand fully what your body is communicating to you, when the body gets sick. You can look into understanding what coping mechanism is, and maybe youк overeating is a coping mechanism. So in that case it's better to look into the problem itself rather than healing just the surface level or if you want a deeper levels of healing System Reset can be a complex approach towards the harmonisation of your energy, towards the harmonisation of your relationship with your loved ones, with your family and with your ancestors, and towards your true self-expression which you are about to step into. But also, if you feel called to sign up for a Personal Session, please do so. Mentorship Program is also available.

And please rate this recording and share it with those who might find it useful as well.



Today we're talking about food and activation of inner nutritionist and conscious choices regarding the food which we can make, when we are fully attuned to our bodies. Only highest and purest frequencies.

We are able to feel beyond the cravings. We are able to hear what our bodies are communicating to us. We are able to understand what our body needs, what we should avoid, what we should add to our diet.

All types of diets and food are good for some seasons, are good for some activities, are good for some periods of your life. You can try different types of diet depending on what is necessary for your body and what is the goal.

Do you want to increase your frequency?
Do you want to feel more grounded?
Do you want to build up strength?
Do you want to feel lighter?

Depending on the necessities of your body, you are able to hear the tiny, subtle messages your body is communicating to you.

Listen carefully.

/6:50 - 7:40 / Light Language Transmission

Corporations gave us sugar. Corporations made that made us addicted to particular types of food, and we experience craving whenever we want to remove that.

Craving for cookies, craving for bread, craving for special type of crunches.

No matter what, be strong to overcome those cravenings for the good of your body, for the good of your vessel. Allow yourself to understand and allow yourself to have strength inside to overcome whatever you need to overcome.

/8:35 - 9:24 / Light Language Transmission

Allow yourself to experiment.
Allow yourself to try new things.

Allow yourself to be creative and open to new tastes and new possibilities of mixing things up and creating beauty in your life, but always prioritize the healthy side of your body.

Your food is not your body, but your food is making your body strong, is making your body beautiful, and is making your body shine.

Allow yourself to infuse yourself with plenty of water and to listen deeply when your body needs more water and give the best quality. Prioritize the quality of ingredients of water, of the food you consume and allow yourself to be beautiful inside and out.

Thank you for receiving.

/10:30 - 11:02 / Light Language Transmission

Thank you for being a part of my experience and community and for your interest to transform your life. My name is Viktoria Kshevinskaya, BE School Space, and I am here to support you in your spiritual journey and to create a better reality together. Explore the footnotes available and opt-in to download meditations and other offerings suitable for your needs. Reach out via e-mail to ask me questions and to explore the possibilities to work together. If you found this recording useful, set up a high rating and share with those who might benefit from it as well, I will be happy to talk to you soon. Again, subscribe not to miss the publications.

I love you,
Viktoria Kshevinskaya

P.S. By the way, have you ever thought that if you are having food issues - it might be reflected on your money questions - solar plexus energy center/your guts and ability to “digest life” and on your throat energy center - how you present yourself in life. Check out ‘7 Chakras Healing Journey’ and the ‘Throat Chakra Block’ podcast below.


Sign up to access Meditation Library, which has multiple opportunities to start your healing journey

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Self-healing transformational journeys below can help you understand what energy you are holding, how to shift it, how to implement the changes and how to express yourself fully and authentically for the good of all


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Individual Work and Sessions
Available upon request
Connect with me to inquire current availability


Viktoria Kshevinskaya

I am here to support you in your divine energy embodiment process, to hold space for your transformation, to help you heal and anchor down the highest and purest frequencies available for you and your self-expression


Transmission for Integration and Cycles Completion


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