Sacred Center Activation and Recalibration

A part of former ‘7 chakras healing journey’ program

All the energy centers are very important, you need to have all of them running and working properly to live a balanced live.

I am inviting you to have a glimpse of ’7 Chakras Healing Journey’ program we had live some time ago to be able to recalibrate and reactivate a very important energy center, I would even say our life force energy center, which is responsible for our emotional, creative and sexual expression in live.

While in the program we spoke about all the energy centers, in this activation we will go deeper only in ONE - Scared - the second energy center.

Yet, you will have a lot of fun journeying the waves of excitement through your energy, which will be vital and healing, helping you to manage your emotions and creative potential.

This activation is delivered in audio format


1. Energy of Sacred Chakra for Deep Understanding
2. Sacred Chakra Activation and Recalibration
3. Sacred Chakra Meditation

you receive life-time access and ability to download the audio recordings
Other bonuses are included as well

Sacred Center Activation & Recalibration

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