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This meditation will help you recalibrate all the energy centers to activate better focus, healing and openness for all spheres of your life.

When you are fully connected with your heart, you are not acting through the projections of your trauma, but you trust your heart’s guidance. Your heart always knows the way, because the only possible way is pure love. And it is available for all of us.

Check the work of your energy centers (no prior experience is required), rotate the energy, recalibrate the masculine and feminine within to be able to feel strong within, to respond but not react, to take tangible steps forward, to be open for giving and receiving, to be able to speak your truth and hear beyond the words, to activate your intuitive abilities and to connect to the Divine, God, Source, Prime Creator.

It all starts within. It all starts with the connection to your heart.

Opt-in below to receive as a gift:
🌟 5 minutes ‘Love Guidance’ Soundhealing
🌟 12 minutes ‘Return to the Heart’ Guided Meditation
🌟 8 minutes ‘Lotus Heart’ Light Language Transmission

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