We help kids develop their creativity and follow their passion

Viktoria Kshevinskaya
Founder of BE School Space

My education is in Linguistics and Cross-Cultural Communication, meaning I am qualified to be an interpreter and a translator of Russian and English

But while I was a language department student I started teaching. At that point I was teaching adults only. I was following some books and curriculum, but I was never satisfied with the quality of the material.

At some point I started working as a Director of Studies in one of the famous language schools. I was so disappointed with the commercialized attitude of that school. All that mattered was group size and retention. The heart to heart connection didn’t matter at all.

Many years after, when I had my own child and started traveling, I was searching for ways to teach kids while having fun, while exploring, while enjoying.

During Covid times everyone was forced to try homeschooling. People got divided into two categories: those who loved and those who hated. At that point I was very busy with classes, because many people needed to make kids “busy”.

I do not really like this attitude. I do not want kids to be busy, moreover in the place where the kid is bored the creative ideas are born. I want to support that creativity.

I do not think we have to give our kids as many classes as possible, I think we need to learn to give them quality time, to give them those rare moments of unity, of exploration, of surprise with the world around us.

When we are locked up in the box of tight schedule we have no time to admire the fresh air, the flowers, the mountains view.

I do not support unschooling so much, but I strongly believe that breaking free from the system, having critical thinking, developing creativity and learning how to think outside of the box, this is what our kids have a privilege to explore.

Homeschooling is a lifestyle, mindset and attitude to education. If your child was always “told what to do”, it would be very hard for him to take initiative and do something his way. But if he had a space where he was allowed to be messy, to make mistakes and to be free from all limitations, this is where the true song of the heart can be unlocked.

I do not like forcing kids, I want them to stay free.

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to be inspired for education and exploration


There are many programs available for kids of different ages, not all of them are presented on the webpage. We work with preschools kids, school preparation age, primary school kids and older kids and teens. Contact me to set up an interview and to inquire more information.

Программы для Детей

Больше 20 лет я работаю, как со взрослыми, так и с детьми.

Каждый из детей особенный, если к нему найти подход, у нас есть возможность дать ему пространство для проявления настоящего себя. Бывают “сложные” дети, которых общество не принимает или пытается запихнуть “в коробочку” общих норм, эти дети требуют чуть больше любви и внимания, и мы можем это им дать.

Для детей есть хоумскул программы на английском языке:

🌟 Small Stars - программа для малышей
🌟 Smart Enough to Be a Student - подготовка к школе (алфавит и простая математика)
🌟 Primary Homeschool Curriculum - программа для начальной школы
🌟 StarSeed Kids Group - группы для подростков для раскрытия даров и способностей

А также я ставлю защиту для детей на тонком плане Защитный Пузырь Мамы Драконихи.

Свяжитесь со мной, чтобы получить более подробную информацию.