Это предложение доступно на русском языке

Viktoria Kshevinskaya
Founder of BE School Space
Before BE School Space was created I was teaching English for almost 20 years, I had major in Linguistics and Cross Cultural Communication, I was working as an interpreter and loved traveling. When I moved abroad and wanted to launch my own project, I created that in English straightaway, despite all the fears and doubts although English was not my first language, I felt confident to grow and knew I can support others. Learn below why.

When you move to a different country, change a job, want to connect with new people, the most important thing is confidence. It is not how well your English Grammar is developed, how well to can pass tests, it is more about your ability to understand people, ability to speak heart-to-heart and ability to admit, if your English is not good enough, that you need others to speak slower, to repeat or to use other words.

When we really want to understand someone, when we put effort into every single connection, when we open up for learning, we grow every day.

My method is very different from all other language schools. I do not teach to speak correctly, I teach to speak heart-to-heart. Put your attention into your heart and try to communicate from your heart space. Try to listen from your heart space, try to be helpful, try your best in every single step.

And give Undivided Presence to those around you
your full attention, it is a precious gift

There are two ways
I can support you through this journey

connect with me to have a chat and to understand
which one is more suitable for your needs


Private Language Sessions

Every person has different needs why he wants to improve his English. I don’t like giving classes just for the sake of studies, I want my students to be goal-oriented, so that they can have more motivation. For example, you might want to gain confidence to switch your service into English, or you want to support your personal relationship in your day-to-day life, or you want to speak on a conference, or you want to start blogging in English - the approach will be different.
The amount of sessions also differs depending on your needs.

Duration: 1h
In person or on Zoom
Pre-payment only, non-refundable

Private Language Sessions for Adults

other payment options are available


Speaking Booster

If you already have some English language abilities, if you studied before and want to become confident in speaking only, I have a very special solution for you - it is an opportunity for you to boost your speaking abilities! Every day for 21 days I will be asking you questions in the chat via voice notes, you will be doing your best to express yourself fully, to look deeper inside of you to find the answers and to learn how to communicate heart-to-heart with me.

Duration: 21 Day
Via voice notes in a special Telegram Chat
Pre-payment only, non-refundable

21-Day Speaking Practice

other payment options are available

What my clients said about our classes:

Albina, Kazakhstan
Viktoria is the person who motivates for progress. I feel so lucky to have gotten her as an English tutor this year. I highly appreciated our classes from the start and never grew bored. She helped me get my thoughts organized in English, motivated, and above all, never give up to make next step in learning this wonderful language.

Olga, Russia
Хочу поблагодарить всех причастных к этому замечательному курсу 🤗! Я уже давно и мучительно изучаю английский язык, но разговаривать так толком и не могу 🙆🏻‍♀️ Курс такого формата был для меня экспериментом. Заходило тяжело, непросто было включиться в непривычный темп, но через неделю курса мой прогресс был очевиден )👌 По итогу я очень подтянула свои слабые места и результат, что самое приятное, закрепился ☺️. Очень рекомендую данный курс для тех, кто хочет научиться быстро строить фразы на английском и активно учавствовать в разговоре ! 🙌 Планирую проложить данный формат изучения

Elena, Germany
Я осталась очень довольна курсом. Это была потрясающая зарядка для мозга как английском, так и на русском языках. Интересные, нестандартные и глубокие вопросы, которые мотивируют говорить. Постоянная коммуникация с туторами и другими участниками курса. Можно включаться в беседу в любое удобное для тебя время, но при этом нужно держать темп и отвечать на вопросы в течение двух дней. Этот курс -замечательная возможность разговориться и вспомнить язык, если ты давно не говорил на нем и если ты его учишь, но есть барьер и страх наделать ошибок.
С удовольствием буду рекомендовать его дальше!

Anastasia, Russia
In this course I realized a very interesting thing, that even if we speak without any Grammar, not correctly, because we do not know some Grammar rules or some important words to explain our opinion, we understand each other. I understand other students, Viktoria understands and even students from other countries understand. It is amazing. I think that this course shows us that we can speak with any foreign people, with every English-speaking person and he or she will understand us. I wish other participants were more active. It is really interesting to listen to the different opinions of other participants and to talk to them. But sometimes I really needed my teacher's corrections.

Valentina, Russia, English teacher
Practice makes prefect. Everybody is aware that just knowing how to do something is not enough. You can read a lot of books on flying a plane, building a house or even swimming but if you don't start to practice it you can't say you have mastered it. Learning a language needs practice at any stage of it. Each aspect - reading, writing, listening and speaking - above all of these. Because languages are studied to be spoken. Having taken 'Speaking Booster' course at Viktoria Kshevinskaya school I can say it was a huge possibility for me to do a lot of things - to think, to put what I think into phrases in English, to overcome my shyness and sometimes laziness, to share what I think with other people. I like the topics Viktoria gave us to think about, I like my answers and I am going to keep them. The result of the course is growing confidence in your abilities to speak English. Vika, thank you very much for this opportunity

Emil, Kazakhstan
I want to say thank you for this amazing course. My decision of coming to this course was a momentary action, I saw the advertising and thought: 'Why not? It can be a good challenge for me.' I have a very busy working time and busy time at home, but this course allows to return when it is possible. And it really made me think in English, because it illuminates not daily things. We had not discussed and not thought about the things you asked us about. Some of the questions were rather strong and I needed some time to think to find the right answer. And, Viktoria, I want to say 'Thank you' for your care and attention to each of your students. It was really amazing.
Thank you.