Come into Wholeness to Find Holiness

When a man touches her breasts, chances are her heart gets activated.
Yet for him - his sex is activated first. It is her job to bring him to the heart.

When a man touches her breasts, chances are her heart gets activated.
Yet for him - his sex is activated first. It is her job to bring him to the heart.

May 2023, by Viktoria Kshevinskaya

Many of us are scared of using proper boundaries because of the abandonment trauma . We are scared that if we say NO to something, we would be rejected… completely.. the love would be withdrawn from us.

And for that reason our boundaries are constantly crossed, ignored, or we do not even know how to place them to begin with.

It is especially valid for intimacy.

Do you truly know what is your YES and what is your NO? The line is very thin.

We, as women, need to be able to say our NO loudly enough. It is up to a woman to decide, whether she is ready or not.

A man who is able to deeply listen to a subtle whisper coming from the depth of her psyche is priceless. Everyone is able to push through, but it is not what we want.

That deeply nourishing space of gentle touch talks directly to the heart.

Feminine is emotional, if she tries to suppress it, she tries to wear masculine pants all the time.

But she can be scared of saying NO just to keep that man close, just to be coupled, just to be comfortable.

Even if she doesn’t fully want, or not fully ready.

We, as feminine, have been using our sexuality in such a wrong way.

Many people are disconnected from their true feelings. When they come into relationship they get into a huge illusion. It is a point where entities entertain themselves through our emotional roller coaster.

But we cannot communicate what we truly want if we do not fully understand it ourselves.

Connecting back to your body, connecting back to your true feelings and sensations, finding your true worth allows you to deeply understand what you want and you do not want.

If you have once tried slooooooow deeeeeep intimacy, where the time stops and the connection is faaaaaaar beyond the genitals, you no longer want “a quickie”, it just feels like junk food.

I am inviting you to explore what else is there.

Sacred Sexuality Workshop Replay
This is a beautiful opportunity to know how to reconnect with your body and how to set up proper template within yourself.

And of course, we need both energies within and without, but also we need to learn how to witness the shift.

My work is not just about empowering women, it is a misconception.

We all need to learn how to dance together in harmony to be able to create together for the good of all.

Women were suppressed and they jumped into masculine pants to prove that they are worthy.

Although it is not what the true love is about.

Women cannot be men, men cannot be women. We need both. In ability to listen deeply, to see the beauty and to join the dance with full devotion.

And it is not that “men are wrong, women are so amazing”, not at all.

Women have been using their sexuality as a powerful tool to bond with men, but often times it was a trauma bond, subconsciously of course.

Most women want to “be coupled”, while ignoring the red flags. It is easier for women to perceive reality through the open heart (her breasts are pointing out - it is a fact).

I am not claiming that everyone wants to be in relationship, but everyone has hopes, that one day….

When a man touches her breasts, chances are her heart gets activated, yet for him - his sex is activated first.

It is her job to bring him to the heart.

I mean, of course, if he is fully centered in the heart himself, awesome.
But often - NO.

It is her job within a couple to help him return HOME to his heart.
To be able to show up for her, to show up for his true values, to show up for the humanity.

Men get initiations from women.

The way a man makes love to a woman is reflected in the way he makes love to life.

What energy are you in?
Rushing, pushing, fuck&killing or nurturing, supporting, listening, protecting, providing?

Allow that bad boy and good boy to come together, we need you as a whole.

His relationship with the feminine is a reflection of his relationship with the nature itself.

Do not take me wrong, I am talking about a fully integrated feminine, for sure.
Everyone takes his own role on the healing journey of his / her own.

But the fully integrated feminine is the one who has managed to come into wholeness after integrating both the darkness and the light.

And she pierces through the bullshit.
She knows what is and is not the way to be held.
She knows how to stay in the heart and how to help him get there.

Most of the time men get numb, not allowing true feelings to overtake them.

Their guard is on, their heart is sealed. Their mind is controlling every step.

Chances are it is not for the good of all.

On the contrary is another extreme - he is very much in the feminine, very emotional, unpredictable, not a safe container.

Her nature is cyclic, she was made this way by nature. If he is not able to be that secure ground, strong pillar, she will be destroying everything around when she is not held.

And of course we need to do our work on our own but healthy relationship is a powerful place for an amazing transformation.

We were made to dance through this life together, supporting each other’s journey and using love as the guiding star.

Now for a moment think about those couples you were admiring.
Were they just lucky to “find the one”? Not at all.

They have probably done a lot of work (which is unseen for the outsider). Chances are they have come through emotional purification, learnt the skills of deep communication, addressed the trauma, the triggers and the projections and learnt how to see beyond the society bullshit.

It is not easy to be in relatiohsip. It is not easy to be seen for who you truly are. You might have been suppressing it even for yourself, it takes courage to shed the layers of the heart of who you no longer are too.

System Reset: Self-Paced Healing Journey

If you came through the emotional trauma of a hard break up, chances are you might want to go through a cleanse, an emotional purification. To clear up all the debris, to recalibrate, to heal, to remove all the projections and the expectation, to become a clear vessel of creation in the pure divinity, raw and authentic.

Knowing your true core values and being honest with yourself.

What do you truly want?
Why do you want to be in relationship?
Why do you want a family?
How does it make you feel to be coupled?
Do you feel limited or do you feel supported?

Maybe it is time to reset, to clear up the debris and to come into wholeness to be able to to find your holiness.

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Divine Energy Embodiment Sessions are in person 1-on-1 or group events for men and women to clear up the stagnant energies, to step into the body, to remove the obstacles, to reactivate the feelings, to return into the heart and to open up for deeper intimacy, better communication, loving and supportive relationship.

Available upon request online/offline/on retreats

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Surrender to the Great Unknown

I’ve gone very deep with myself over the last years

I love good sex, but I need to be held. It is much more than penetration.
I’ve gone very deep with myself over the last years

December 2021, by Viktoria Kshevinskaya

I can tap into a different level of consciousness when I move sexual energy into the unknown, and I know how to take my partner there. But I need to surrender.
It is a very deep act of love...
That is what all women want.

Casual sex is no longer fun and no longer enough.

Have you ever been to the place where the time stops?

That moment of stillness like in a very deep spiritual act.

Where you surrender so much, that you no longer want to control anything. You just are.

Every woman wants to just be.

Every woman wants to show that moment of stillness to her partner. Through the eye-gazing, through being present, through the love you share.

The moment, where you can plant the seed of every dream, the quantum field of feelings and settle vibration.

If you pulse energy and move it through your chakras, the woman is able to share the Mother Earth energy that will support every creation, whether that is a baby or a project, but the creation will be divine.

If the woman is able to surrender to her king so that she no longer attempts to control anything, and the man is sensitive enough to feel her energy movement - the pulses she sends to him, when he is able to receive that and send it back to her with the penetrative force, she is taken to the divine. 

And as a Goddess she gives blessing to all the creation.


She gets so inspired by his presence, that her creative energy overflows and things magically start happening around her.

And yes, for the weak man it might feel like too much. But if the man is a divine masculine embodiment, that is the blessing his soul has been yearning for ages.

Join the Email List to be notified about new publications and event invites.

Sacred Sexuality Workshop Replay
This is a beautiful opportunity to know how to reconnect with your body and how to set up proper template within yourself.

Golden Dagger
Balance of Masculine and Feminine
Audio Transmission/Meditation and light code for your devices to remind you and to recalibrate your subconscious mind for the good of all

Divine Energy Embodiment Sessions are in person 1-on-1 or group events available both for men and women to clear up the stagnant energies, to step into the body, to remove the obstacles, to reactivate the feelings, to return into the heart and to open up for deeper intimacy, better communication, loving and supportive relationship.
Available upon request online/offline/on retreats

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