Sacred Sexuality, Relationship, Father Wound Viktoria Suardi Sacred Sexuality, Relationship, Father Wound Viktoria Suardi

Healing Father Wound

Most women have this or that type of father wounds. For some father was just not available physically or emotionally, for others some sort of abuse was there.

Most women have this or that type of father wounds.
For some father was just not available physically or emotionally.
For others some sort of abuse was there.

March 2023, by Viktoria Kshevinskaya

All of us sooner or later need to address the core issue, the wound deeply rooted in our psyche.

The problem is, that because of the fact that our emotions were not validated in the early childhood, we created subconscious belief, which is playing out in our life and controlling our experiences in a way, for us to be able to address the core.

Most of the time it is a karmic experience, meaning we agreed, we would have it, for us to remember.

What I mean by this, is that maybe your father hurt you physically or emotionally, you kept it within your heart and then you started attracting the experiences, which would remind you of that, for you to be able to re-experience that and remove the density and infuse yourself with different feelings.

The experience you had might be severe, but might be very subtle also. You might not remember about it at all, until you start going deeper.

We need to go back into the childhood trauma for us to rewrite the story, we (or other family members) told ourselves.

For example, your father was not physically there. Your psyche created a pattern bringing you to anxious-avoidant relationship all the time, as your subconscious beliefs were - to love is to suffer.

Or you were talked off for a very minor thing and instead of really expressing your emotions, you suppressed them, created a throat chakra block and built up a pattern that men are unsafe.

I am writing this not only for women, but for men also, as you might want to learn how to hold space for your partner’s healing. It is not your job to heal them though, they have to be willing to do that themselves.

I have recently unlocked a story from my childhood memories, where my mother found my unsent paper letter to my not very close friend and asked my father to talk to me about what they read there. I was completely disarmed by the fact that they did that. When my father was talking me off, I suppressed all the emotions, but I was deeply hurt. I locked it within my body.

When I started doing the inner work around the father wound, I was exploring my relationship with my dad and I remembered that story. The moment I went deeper into it, I suddenly started having enormous physical pain in my stomach, as if I couldn’t digest something. The pain was so strong, I couldn’t breath. That was the moment I realized that I created a pattern within myself that men are not safe.

It was playing out in my relationship my whole life. I needed deep emotional safety, which I was searching for outside, prior to being able to truly open up for my partner.

This story can be re-written.

Our parents most likely had absolutely no intention to hurt us. They were doing their best, they were not taught how to love. They were deeply wounded themselves.

It is our own forgiveness, understanding and compassion that can heal us and them as well.

Register for a FREE Synergy Discovery Call to inquire about next healing steps you can take

If you feel ready to can listen to the Light Language transmission below to address the father wound and the abandonment trauma, which was playing out in your life as a result.

Light Language is a healing modality which works directly with the subconscious mind, your mind might want the control and want to understand what the meaning of the sounds is, but it is simply the frequency transmission, intended to heal the the deep wounding. You might have some body sensations, it is ok, please surrender to the experience.

Reach out if you need support or have any questions



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