Feminine is the Darkness

The reason feminine has been suppressed, oppressed, represses is because feminine power is scary, unknown, unseen, and yet tangible and untamable.

The reason feminine has been suppressed, oppressed, represses is because feminine power is scary, unknown, unseen, and yet tangible and untamable

April 2023, by Viktoria Kshevinskaya

How can you control the fire, the water, the air, the earth. You can make an attempt, but why would you?

It’s not that women are better than men, it is more about balancing the energies and coming into the union with the two.

A weak man is scared of a woman, as she pierces through the bullshit, and makes him return to the heart.

She has the ability of opening the hearts, but what she transmits through those hearts, it is a question of her own purity and intentions.

Embracing the darkness is important. What has been hidden in the depth of the psyche? She will bring it to the surface, asking for justice, attention and love.

She will be pushing through in the masculine energy until she knows this is not the way.

She will resist resting in the feminine, until she burns out.

She will allow herself that, when there is no other way.

And that’s when a proper masculine will show up.

The masculine who sees her true value. Who knows what she adds up to the party. Who values and accepts her for what she is. But it is only possible, when she accepts herself fully, unapologetically, not agreeing for less.

Shadow work can take a while. But it is so important both for men and for women.

Whats has been unwelcomed and hidden in the debris of your subconscious mind?

As soon as you bring consciousness to the unconscious you bring light of awareness to your life and become able to accept yourself fully and as a result become confident in your true self-expression, you will become accepted by others and transform all spheres of your life by simply embodying both the light and the darkness.

You don’t have to play the duality game by being either in the darkness or in the light only, you have to learn how to find that proper balance dance of the two.

This is when you come into wholeness and this is how you understand the holiness.

But as we have both energies within, it is necessary to heal both of them also.

Sometimes it happens so that the masculine has a wounded feminine within, in that case he is either objectifying the women, not taking them seriously, not opening the heart fully, or suppresses them, judging them for who they are, devalues their thoughts and feelings.

The job of the woman is to bring him back to the heart, away from his reasoning mind and back to his feelings, which are his true nature.

He can still be smart, he can still achieve what he wants to achieve. But he learns how to feel, how to trust the intuition, how to understand his own emotions. And how to hold space for her, rather than pushing through.

Sometimes the polarity goes the other way, and when the woman is very much in the masculine energy, her male partner drops into the feminine, while becoming very soft, emotional and in a way unreliable. I’ve seen this a lot in the conscious community. When men start doing the work around the unhealthy masculinity, and then they go to another extreme.

We need to find the balance. We cannot be just one energy beings, as our energy shifts, through out the days, through out the months. We need to learn how to understand which energy you are at and where you are heading.

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Sacred Sexuality Workshop Replay
This is a beautiful opportunity to know how to reconnect with your body and how to set up proper template within yourself.

Golden Dagger
Balance of Masculine and Feminine
Audio Transmission/Meditation and light code for your devices to remind you and to recalibrate your subconscious mind for the good of all

Divine Energy Embodiment Sessions are in person 1-on-1 or group events available both for men and women to clear up the stagnant energies, to step into the body, to remove the obstacles, to reactivate the feelings, to return into the heart and to open up for deeper intimacy, better communication, loving and supportive relationship.
Available upon request online/offline/on retreats

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