Divine Feminine, Sacred Sexuality Viktoria Suardi Divine Feminine, Sacred Sexuality Viktoria Suardi

Objectification of Women

Women have been objectified for ages. And because we, as women, tend to search for outside validation, we feel very insecure if we do not receive the support we need.

Women have been objectified for ages
Because we, as women, tend to search for outside validation

January 2023, by Viktoria Kshevinskaya

This is a rather triggering but super important topic to address. How many of you experienced situation when because of someone’s unthoughtful comment you would delete a picture, a story or a video of yourself, although the message was strong and had nothing to do with the image itself. As if there is nothing beyond the physicality. As if the package itself is the only thing that matters?

Women have been objectified for ages. And because we, as women, tend to search for outside validation, we feel very insecure if we do not receive the support we need.

We’ve been conditioned by the society that we have to look certain way, no wrinkles, no skin redness, no tired eyes, no messy hair, make-up, this and that. Everything has to be perfect. Everything has to be ideal.

If it is not, you can receive a comment, you didn’t sleep well?

My mom didn’t allow me to use mascara till I was 15. After that I was wearing make-up every day for ages. Foundation, rush, mascara, liner, lipstick. When I moved to tropical climate, I started doing eyelash extensions to avoid putting on make-up and taking it off, as my skin is so sensitive and doing it once a month helped.

A couple of months ago I decided to experiment and stop doing the lash extensions, which I had for more than 5 years. I decided to see how comfortable I can be within my own skin on my own.

It was hard. It still is.

I noticed, I look younger and obviously much more natural, although at some days I really want more colors.

I decided to step into this container to practice and try to see on my own experience what it truly means to be me. Bare me, the way God created me.

Can I love myself enough? Can I hold myself sacred? Or will I be searching for outside validation?

In the era of social media it often happens so that people do not see beyond the physicality, we are completely deluded by the fake images, masks and filters, that when it comes to the real life, accepting ourselves the way we are is hard.

I’ve been in this experiment to look deeper of what I truly am for quite a while, I was shedding everything, I even disconnected from all my jewelry.

Everything that had some meaning had to leave. It was quite painful sometimes, but after a while in that raw authenticity the God resigns, and he is accessible for everyone.

You do not need anything special to connect to the Divine Source. No fancy ceremonies or rituals, no particular tools or equipment. Just you and God. Heart to Heart.

Nothing else is there.

And in that nothingness and emptiness the flowers start to bloom.
The love starts growing.

Day by day.

The devotion. To your own growth.

Promise to yourself that all you want is for the good of all. For the good of even those who were not so good to yourself, as love and compassion are the best make up ever.

Bloom, baby, bloom.

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Sacred Sexuality Workshop Replay
This is a beautiful opportunity to know how to reconnect with your body and how to set up proper template within yourself.

Golden Dagger
Balance of Masculine and Feminine
Audio Transmission/Meditation and light code for your devices to remind you and to recalibrate your subconscious mind for the good of all

Divine Energy Embodiment Sessions are in person 1-on-1 or group events available both for men and women to clear up the stagnant energies, to step into the body, to remove the obstacles, to reactivate the feelings, to return into the heart and to open up for deeper intimacy, better communication, loving and supportive relationship.
Available upon request online/offline/on retreats

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