Release Judgement. Activate Support

We all know that judgement doesn’t make us feel good.But why do we judge ourselves? And how to release it? Judgement is a block for creativity, for divine self-expression.

Release Judgement. Activate Support

March 2023, by Viktoria Kshevinskaya

We all know that judgement doesn’t make us feel good.

But why do we judge ourselves? And how to release it? Judgement is a block for creativity, for divine self-expression.

We judge ourselves, we experience judgement towards us.

When we transform judgement into support we have unlimited potential released and welcomed into our life. We are not scared to make a move, to show up for our life.

When I was creating this judgement release code, I experienced a lot of judgement for the code, for my creative process, for the way I do it etc., although I do not choose this density to be a part of my reality, that is why I want to recalibrate and remove it from my field.

I strongly recommend doing the same.

Do you experience a lot of judgement in your life?

Use audio light language transmission below to Release Judgement and Activate Support.

Learn more about light codes here.


This is a healing transmission to release judgement for the humanity and to reactivate support and loving kindness within families, within communities, within friendship, within relationship.

When the judgement is placed we feel defensive. When the judgement is placed we feel depleted. When the judgement is placed we feel scared, we feel fearful.

We release necessity to be fearful. We release defensive mechanism and step into our pure heart which is ready to listen beyond the words. We hear not the judgement, we hear the love beyond the words. We hear the opportunity to improve ourselves. We hear the opportunity to become a better version of ourselves in every moment.

Reactivate support. Allow yourself to speak through the loving kindness always in the words that the person is able to receive.

Release Judgement. Activate Support

Activate empathy.

Release imperfections.
Strive for the progress not for the perfection.
Move forward step-by-step every day towards your goals, towards the bliss, towards the happiness, towards the harmony.

Show up for yourself, for the loved ones, for the humanity.

Harmonize and structurize the reality around yourself, support your loved ones in their journey.
Show up for yourself and the others.

Next time you can do better, but this time you do full-heartedly, what you can, trust your path.

Trust that if you act from your heart, if invite highest and purest frequencies, you will be protected, you will be guided. Trust your path. Release necessity to seek for outside validation. Judgement cannot harm you if you are not searching for outside validation.

Embrace the diversity. Everyone can be who he truly wants without a necessity to be a copy of someone else. But his true authentic self is who he is supposed to be, and you are supposed to be the true authentic self of you.

Be YOURSELF.  I Love you.

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Light Codes, Light Language Viktoria Kshevinskaya Light Codes, Light Language Viktoria Kshevinskaya

What are Light Codes and Light Language?

Light Codes and Light Language are a healing modality which works directly with your subconscious mind and helps you activate particular abilities and release old programming.

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What Were You Before You Got Conditioned By The Society? Before You Were Taught The Language Of Your Family? Before You Knew How To Read Or Write?

20 July 2022, by Viktoria Kshevinskaya

Every soul has the original code, the original template you incarnated with, the original gifts, talents and programming.

Light codes and light language is the ability to unlock your original structure, vision, mission, which were always there for you.

It is not hard to unlock it, all you need to do is to go to the stillness, connect to the Divine Source, connect with Your Highest Self, only highest and purest frequencies, no other entities or egregores, just pure divinity of yourself, tap into that inner child, innocent and pure, and hold space for him/her to express fully.

You do not want anyone else to control your mind, to condition your behavior, thoughts and feelings, to guide your actions.

Light Codes Is A Healing Modality, Which Works Directly With Your Subconscious Mind

You want to return to your original true self, Angelic Self, if you might, which can guide to a harmonious reality not only for yourself, but for the good of all.

You can unlock your own abilities for self-healing and growing, but you can also use the codes of those who are here to empower you and help you grow, just like myself.

The Light Language which I share is from my Highest Multidimensional Selves and the Divine Source for the highest good of all.

The frequency is Absolute Love.

For you to receive and integrate you need to go into the sacred place within to be ready to receive, you can drink a cup of water to purify yourself, you can meditate for a little bit, then connect to your Highest Self, after that tune in to the frequency of what is shared with you and allow the wavelengths to be synchronized with those transmitted. To do so, do not try to understand the codes/language with your reasoning mind, just receive them with your heart.

The Light Code can have symbols (writing or drawing), sound (speech, song or rhythm), movement (gestures or dance). In fact they can take any form or shape.

The important part is for you to trust, surrender and be open to receiving.

It Is Also Important To Understand That you Must trust the person sharing the light codes and light language

Not all the people able to create light codes or speak light language are of highest and purest frequencies and have good intentions for the good of all. 

Please remember that the purity and the intention of the creator is essential. If you do not connect with a person or do not trust the code, there will be no healing. Prior to receiving a code from someone, build trust, attune to his/her frequency, listen to his/her words and understand how your body reacts to it. If you have goosebumps or any other pleasant reaction of your body, you can proceed. If the frequency does not resonate with you, you’d better stay away. But always anchor, that you only allow the highest and purest frequencies into your field. It is almost like a protective bubble for yourself. 

How To Activate Light Language?

Light Language activation can happen spontaneously in your meditation, dream state, hypnosis or any other forms of spiritual work.

Your teacher or guide can help you unpack, what you already have within, but it is your job to continue working with it. They can share some light language with you, but there is nothing for you to learn.

You can only trust your madness, so to speak.

Because at some point it does sound crazy a bit, unusual and very different from everything you’ve ever known or been exposed to.

Although you always have to remember, that it is not the alphabet you are learning, but the frequency you are attuning to.

I can help you unpack your gifts.

Light Language Activation can take place on a 1-on-1 session or on a group event. 

to learn more, to schedule an appointment and to place the order

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