Money Mindset Bundle


by Viktoria Kshevinskaya, BE School Space

it is time to release the anxiety around money

Take a small step at a time to cultivate patient, but persistent and holistic approach towards growing your business, which is your Digital Garden, and which is to bring you prosperity and abundance for the highest good of all, through true authentic self-expression

The way you think creates your reality,
experience the mind shift and attune to a different frequency

Turbulence around money is something all of us experience. All of us have, had or might have situations where we experience money worries for multiple reasons whether that is because you lost your job, your loved one, had a health issue, met someone who turned out to be not so trustworthy and betrayed you, or just had difficulties adapting to the new circumstances of your life.

Whatever the reason is, here are a few things I want to share with you:

The amount of stress different people feel does not depend on the amount of money on their bank account. For some people 10k USD is the point of no return for the anxiety, for others the stress level can be extreme at 1k USD, for someone else it will be as low as 10 USD.

The amount is not important, your condition, your panic, your attitude are what make it worse.

Ask yourself:

Why am I stressed?
Do I have no food for today?
Do I have no shelter for tonight?
Or is it something for the future I am worried about?

To activate great abundance of the highest and purest frequencies there is work to be done

You need to remove the blocks in your subconscious mind, attune to the frequency of love and gratitude where this is possible and start showing up for yourself and others confidently one step at a time.

Money is the energy, it comes to us when we are exchanging our service and our energy and we are ready to receive

But for that we need to release the shame for having and not having money, but also build confidence to do what sparkles us up, what we want to wake up for every morning, what we want to keep doing even if we are not paid for it. Yet, when you know your true worth, you start believing in yourself and bringing value to the world we live in.

Step-by-step one step at a time

Transform the way you think about money
and open up to receive more

What steps are included into the program?

  • We will start with deep understanding what divine abundance is and how to attune to the nature’s abundance, available for everyone. I want you to deeply know that you are enough and you can do whatever sparkles you up and the tribe of angels will support you on your path. 

  • Often times even if from the rational mind perspective it seems that you have tried everything already and you are doing everything right, there can be a block hidden in your subconscious mind. Whether that is a block from your previous experiences, your family beliefs block or society projection block, it can be living within you and preventing you from going where you want to go. It is time to rewrite it.

  • Have you ever experienced shame around money? Shame for asking for money, shame for having money, shame for not having money? Have you ever had situations where you charged too little because of that? We are to reprogram that.

  • During this step we will find balance between giving and receiving. Unknowingly without it we block our own flow. But we will learn not only to give, but to receive as well; not only to receive but to give too.

  • As long as we judge the lack mentality and greed in the human consciousness, we are not helping anyone. But to make a shift we need to work with ourselves. What can we do to implement the change? Learn to give generously, never block your abundance.

  • Gratitude is highest possible attitude. Do not take anything for granted. Everything you are gifted - people, situations, circumstances, events - are God’s blessings. In the moment you might think that those can be the results of your hard work, although not only. Learn to count blessings.

  • How can we be accepted by anyone if we do not accept ourselves fully? Our habits and expression, our bodies, our thoughts and feelings. Sometimes it might feel uncomfortable to be you. You might have not satisfied your own or someone else’s expectations at some point before. But you are you. Learn to accept yourself.

  • I want you to remember your value, your essence, and what you came here to do. And the reason why it is so important is because you came here to create, to share, to support, to be your true self. But it happens so that we often forget or devalue our pure intentions. I would like to remind you how important your heart is, how important and valuable you are as the God's creation.

  • Sometimes we might have a feeling that everyone has a lot of clients, a lot of offerings, a lot of services, but us - what can we offer? and where are our clients? no one is buying.. no one is here.. as if we are invisible.. as if they are much better, as if their modality and gifts are much stronger. Does it sound familiar? Cancel. Clear. Delete. We are to reprogram that.

  • In this step we are talking about true manifestation, which is the power of your thoughts. It is the ability to use your own mind to instantly create your thoughts into physical reality. Into art, objects, events, creations. Your manifestations will never take place, if you have some doubts connected with that. Time to take action, we are to change that.

  • We used to be scared of judgement when we were searching for outside validation. We used to ask from the place of lack, when we were not allowing ourselves to act for the highest good of all. When we reconnected to our hearts and merged the solar plexus and the heart we realized, that actually we know all the steps needed from within. Nothing can stop us.

  • At the final stage of our journey we are creating the physical, emotional and quantum image of our ideal client we want to work with. Our energy is too special to be available for just anyone, we need to be precise who you are calling in. Once we are done working with it, we will take the ‘feeling’ of our ideal client we are so grateful for to the quantum field of all possibilities and see how it magically unfolds.

Let God play through you!

Divine Love + Divine Purpose = Divine abundance
For the Good of all


You can choose either:

1) Self-Paced Resources with chat support and Q&A
2) An option with a 1,5h Online Business as a Digital Garden Session
3) An Option with a 2h Healing or Mentorship Session


You can choose another payment method suitable for you

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